13575 Heathcote Boulevard, Suite 240 Gainesville, VA 20155
Good news! We're extending the deadline to apply for a Small Business Relief Micro-Grant to Tuesday, June 9, 2020, at 5 p.m.
We're also adding an option for you to fill out a paper application and either email it to us or drop it off in-person.
Small Business Relief Micro-Grant Application [PDF]
Small Business Relief Micro-Grant Application [Spanish - PDF]
Please email your completed application and all of the required documents to Michele Weatherly at You can also drop off your application at our office on Monday or Tuesday (6/8 or 6/9) from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Prince William County Department of Economic Development 13575 Heathcote Blvd., Suite 240 Gainesville, VA 20155
Please use a web browser other than Internet Explorer. We recommend Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Edge]
You must complete your application in one sitting; you do not have the ability to save and return to the application.
If you haven't already, download the Prince William Small Business Relief Micro-Grant Financial Form and fill it out.
Make sure you've completed the highlighted sections with your gross monthly revenues for 2019 and 2020-to-date. The form also asks what types of business expenses you put the grant proceeds towards, is selected. You'll need to upload this form before submitting your application.
Gather all your required financial information and documents [View more info on each document in our Tips to Apply]. You'll need to enter the information into the form or upload a pdf or photo of each of them:
Federal Taxpayer Identification Number
IRS W-9 Form
IRS 941 Form
Prince William County Account Numbers
Prince William County Business License Application
Prince William Business Tangible Return
Mortgage Deferral or Rent Reduction
Business Recovery Plan
Prince William Small Business Relief Micro-Grant Financial Form
You won't be able to save your application and come back to it, so make sure you have everything you need before you start.
Application number
Mailing address
Primary physical address in Prince William County
Magisterial district
If you are unsure which magisterial district your business is located, you can search here:
Input your business address into the search, then select General Voting Information. Your magisterial district will be listed in the "Local Election" field.
Primary Contact
How did you hear about the Small Business Relief Micro-Grant program?
Is this business current on its Prince William County tax obligations?
What best describes the organization type?
Is the franchise owned and operated locally?
Is your business for-profit?
Provide your Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) (choose one of the three TIN options)
How many employees in Prince William County as of February 29, 2020?
How many employees in Prince William County as of May 30, 2020?
Total employees as of February 29, 2020
Total employees as of May 30, 2020
If you have fewer employees as of May 30, 2020, was this due to:
Primary business function
Upload your Business Recovery Plan (max 2 pages)
Is this business (check all that apply)
What is the current status of your business?
If closed or open with limited capacity, check all that apply
Did you apply for the SBA’s EIDL or PPP loan & grant funds?
Were you awarded funding?
How have you used the funds? (check all that apply)
How much grant funding are you seeking through this application?
Is the primary location of the business owned or rented?
Have you requested or received a rent reduction or mortgage deferral at your place of business?
Please upload documentation of your request and/or approval for rent reduction or mortgage deferral.
What would you need for your business to re-open or resume full operations? (check all that are applicable to your organization)
Upload your business license
Upload your Small Business Relief Financial Form
Upload your 2018 & 2019 Business Tangible Property Returns
Upload your 2018 & 2019 Business License Application Forms
Upload your IRS form W-9
Upload your IRS form 941
I certify that I have read and understand and am authorized to complete and submit this application on behalf of the Applicant. I verify that the statements contained herein are true, accurate, and complete. I acknowledge that false and inaccurate statements made on the application are grounds for immediate rejection of the application.
Sign Here